Reflections on 3172, Year of Our Lady of Discord: A look back at 2006

In 2006, The Winter Olympics were held in Turin, Italy; Twitter launched; The Human Genome Project published the last chromosome sequence; Montenegro became an independent nation; Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet; The United States population passed 300 million people; No. 5, 1948 by Jackson Pollock was sold for $140 million, becoming the most expensive painting at the time; Saddam… Continue reading Reflections on 3172, Year of Our Lady of Discord: A look back at 2006

Back when Ronald Reagan Was most known for being the 33rd Governor of California: A look back at 1975

In 1975: Stevie Nicks joined Fleetwood Mac; Wheel of Fortune and Saturday Night Live debuted; Space Mountain opened at the Magic Kingdom; Margaret Thatcher became the leader of the Conservative Party; Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft; The Vietnam War ended with the Fall of Saigon; Cape Verde, Comoros, São Tomé and Príncipe, Angola, and East… Continue reading Back when Ronald Reagan Was most known for being the 33rd Governor of California: A look back at 1975

The year after Big Brother started watching us all: A look back at 1985

In 1985: Ronald Reagan began his second term as US President; Mikhail Gorbachev assumed power in the Soviet Union; Hulk Hogan and Mr. T defeated Rowdy Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff in the inaugural Wrestlemania; Elmo first appeared on Sesame Street; New Coke debuted and, after a disastrous couple of months, was removed from US stores; David… Continue reading The year after Big Brother started watching us all: A look back at 1985

Everything that follows is older than Tom Holland: A look back at 1995

In 1995: O.J. Simpson was acquitted for the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ron Goldman; Mississippi ratified the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution; Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols bombed bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City; The first DVD was made available; eBay went online; Calvin and Hobbes ended its ten-year run in… Continue reading Everything that follows is older than Tom Holland: A look back at 1995

Best of the 1980s

  The Shining (1980) Writer Jack Torrance takes a job as a winter caretaker at the Overlook Hotel which was built on a Native American burial ground. Haunted by the numerous evil spirits which populate the hotel, Jack slowly loses his mind and unsuccessfully attempts to kill his wife, Wendy and young son, Danny. Contrary to what… Continue reading Best of the 1980s

Don’t mind the tall, dark stranger

  Megamind (2010) As their home planet died, Megamind (Will Ferrell) and Metro Man (Brad Pitt) were sent to Earth, where the two outsiders embarked on opposite paths. Metro Man became a beloved super hero, while Megamind chose a life of villainy. After discovering Metro Man’s weakness, Megamind sets a trap and destroys his nemesis, but… Continue reading Don’t mind the tall, dark stranger

Tiny Calvin meet tiny Hobbes

  Dear Mr. Watterson (2013) Following the adventures of a six-year-old boy and his possibly imaginary stuffed tiger, Calvin and Hobbes was one of the last great comic strips. Exploring big picture ideas through the eyes of a child, it offered an innocent look at a vast and frightening world. This strip elevated the medium to levels of… Continue reading Tiny Calvin meet tiny Hobbes

Cloning your husband in post-apocalyptic Tokyo

  Husbands and Wives (1992) When Jack (Sydney Pollack) and Sally (Judy Davis) casually announce their marriage has ended, it forces Gabe (Woody Allen) and Judy Roth (Mia Farrow) to question their own relationship.  Gabe flirts with Rain (Juliette Lewis), one of his students, while Judy eyes a relationship with Michael Gates (Liam Neeson). Filmed as a… Continue reading Cloning your husband in post-apocalyptic Tokyo

A vampyr played tennis in the Big East for 12 Years

  Requiem for the Big East (2014) A part of ESPN’s excellent 30 for 30 series, this is the story of the Big East Conference from its founding in 1979 until its demise in 2013.  While the Big East exists as a conference today, it’s a completely different entity. This was fascinating, but rushed.  It’s too difficult to condense thirty years… Continue reading A vampyr played tennis in the Big East for 12 Years