Kills, machete kills

  Machete Kills (2013) Machete originated as a peripheral character in Robert Rodriguez’s Spy Kids series. After appearing in a fake trailer in Grindhouse (2007) the character transitioned into the star of his own series of films in Machete (2010). Danny Trejo is amazing as the titular Mexican bad ass.  His natural charisma elevates this material beyond the… Continue reading Kills, machete kills

Trains, zombies, and racist cartoons

  Resident Evil (2002) I’m old enough to fondly remember the original Resident Evil video game, it’s hard to believe it spawned such a successful film series. Alice (Mila Jovovich) wakes up in the middle of the apocalypse.  Sometimes this dramatic device works, but in this film it leads to a great deal of confusion. I’m still not… Continue reading Trains, zombies, and racist cartoons