Santa’s theory of the girl in a cage: A film by Bergman

  La Cage aux Folles (1978) Renato owns a nightclub featuring his longtime lover, and accomplished drag performer, Albin. This creates complications when Laurent, Renato’s son from a previous relationship, brings his fiancée and her conservative parents home. After watching Robin Williams and Nathan Lane enthusiastically two-step their way through an energetic love affair alongside the perfectly cast Gene… Continue reading Santa’s theory of the girl in a cage: A film by Bergman

Best of the 1930s

    The Blood of a Poet (1930) The first part of Jean Cocteau’s Orphic trilogy is a surrealist fever dream. An artist paints a mouth which starts talking, then transfers to his hand, then to a nearby statue. This statue convinces the artist to pass through a mirror to a bizarre world inhabited by opium smokers… Continue reading Best of the 1930s

Ernest and the we and the I am Sam

  The We and the I (2012) On the last day of school, a group of teenagers experience petty jealousies, bullying, and sexual insecurities. In other words, it’s a typical day for an adolescent finding their way in the world. The problem is, I didn’t care about any of the characters. Most of them were broad… Continue reading Ernest and the we and the I am Sam