The Quest – Episode 16

In this episode, Ben and I discuss the films coming up this summer and let you know what we’re most excited about and offer some predictions about what people will most remember from the summer of 2016.

The Quest – Episode 15

In this episode, Ben and I discuss supporting actors / actresses and why some people seem slightly more comfortable away from the spotlight.

Reflections on 3172, Year of Our Lady of Discord: A look back at 2006

In 2006, The Winter Olympics were held in Turin, Italy; Twitter launched; The Human Genome Project published the last chromosome sequence; Montenegro became an independent nation; Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet; The United States population passed 300 million people; No. 5, 1948 by Jackson Pollock was sold for $140 million, becoming the most expensive painting at the time; Saddam… Continue reading Reflections on 3172, Year of Our Lady of Discord: A look back at 2006